N°1 in France, n°2 in Europe and n°7 in the world for animal genetics, EVOLUTION is the union of the 3 principal bovine genetics cooperatives in the West of France: Amélis, Génoé and Urcéo.
Created on 1st January 2013, the cooperative is active in the bovine sectors (dairy and beef breeds), pigs, horses, goats, as well as in rabbit and fish farming. With more than 33,000 breeders in 2014, EVOLUTION produced more than 6 million bovine doses and carried out more than 2.8 million Total Animal Inseminations (TAI).
Faithful to its co-operative nature, EVOLUTION’s main aim is to guide and support farmers to contribute, together, to nutritional and environmental challenges at worldwide level and to ensure the continued existence of the enterprise and livestock farms for future generations. For this, EVOLUTION stands out by a strategy strongly turned towards innovation and the international dimension, levers for the future for French breeders.
EuroGenomics Associate in France
EVOLUTION is a member of Allice (www.allice.fr), a union of cooperatives which federates French and Belgium companies providing breeding and reproductions services. Allice joined in 2009 the EuroGenomics consortium on behalf of the French breeding companies to set up the largest reference population in the Holstein breed. Today, Allice continues to encourage the development of the genomic selection in Europe by supporting the French members within the EuroGenomics cooperative. |
More information : http://www.evolution-xy.fr/en