About VikingGenetics
VikingGenetics is a leading breeding company owned by farmers. VikingGenetics invests a large amount of money in research every year and uses the latest technologies, e.g. genomic selection and semen sexing.
VikingGenetics has an effective breeding program and tests the performance of app. 450 bulls of the dairy breeds Holstein, VikingRed and Jersey. Furthermore VikingGenetics supplies semen of performance tested beef breed sires of 16 breeds. VikingGenetics is in close cooperation with researchers and Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation on breeding evaluation.
The breeding goals for the dairy breeds are the same in Denmark, Sweden and Finland focusing on: Production, Health, Reproduction, Conformation, Functional traits.
VikingGenetics’ owners – the cattle breeders in the three countries – directly influence the breeding goals in cooperation with the breeding management and researchers.
VikingGenetics has 4 bull studs with app. 1,000 bulls. We keep a high level of welfare for all bulls, and the goal is that all bulls are housed in loose housing systems. The semen is handled in modern laboratories in accordance with high quality standards. The annual sale is around 4 million doses in the home markets and to more than 50 countries worldwide
VikingGenetics is owned by VikingDanmark, Växa Sverige and Faba in Finland meaning that app. 30,000 farmers are members. VikingGenetics has 160 employees in Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
More information : http://www.vikinggenetics.com