Starting with the share of genotypes in Holstein breed
They participated to the largest reference population in the world. Today, including data on German bulls, they gathered more than 32,000 genotypes of bull with recorded daughters in Europe.
The EuroGenomics efforts increased the reliability of genomic breeding values in 11 countries comprising more than 10 million of Holstein cows: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Poland, France and Spain. By participating to the international genomic evaluations of Interbull, EuroGenomics also contribute to the increase of reliability in Europe and outside Europe.
Together with highly recognized calculation and research centers, they strongly encouraged the genotyping of a wide numbers of male and female animals, from South to North, from West to East of Europe. In total, more than 800,000 animals have been genotyped by farmers and their organizations.
Benefits to the farmers
Young bulls and tools for herd management
- The imputation method
- The low costs and the development of customized genotyping tools, they participated to the success of the genomic selection in dairy cattle in Europe.
Provide reliable and innovative solutions to farmers for the genetic improvement and facilitated management of more than 14 million of dairy cows.
- To dairy farmers
- To innovative solutions in the field of dairy cattle improvement
- To innovation and quality in the field of genomic evaluations