Expertise: a network of scientists working closely
Today, the success of the collaboration has led key players in the field of cattle improvement - CONAFE, CRV, EVOLUTION, MCB Krasne, ORIGEN Plus, PFHBiPMand Viking Genetics - to go further...
Today, the success of the collaboration has led key players in the field of cattle improvement - CONAFE, CRV, EVOLUTION, MCB Krasne, ORIGEN Plus, PFHBiPMand Viking Genetics - to go further...
2024 | 12 | 06
The latest publications (December 2024) for ICO, NTM, NVI, PF and RZG took place...
2024 | 04 | 04
The latest publications (April 2024) for ICO, ISU, NTM, NVI, PF and RZG took place...
2023 | 12 | 06
The latest publications (December 2023) for ICO, ISU, NTM, NVI, PF and RZG took...
2023 | 05 | 17
The latest publications (August 2023) for ICO, ISU, NTM, NVI, PF and RZG took...