For a EuroGenomics ranking of International A.I. bulls
The members of the EuroGenomics Cooperative are routinely exchanging the genotypes of Holstein bulls and three times a year, bulls older than 10 months of age receive official genomic breeding values on the 6 scales (Spanish, French, Nordic, Dutch-Flemish, Polish and German).
They are all ranked according to gICO, gISU, gNTM, gNVI, gPF and gRZG.
For bulls submitted to the EuroGenomics Cooperative for genomic evaluation service, from 10 months of age to 5 years, you can search the EuroGenomics database, you can look at their Total Merit Index and compare how they rank on the 6 scales.
The 6 Total Merit Indexes have been lastly updated in December 2024.
The list of Holstein bulls (black and white, or red) includes 3,265 Holstein bulls. They are controlled by the members of the EuroGenomics cooperative or by partners outside the EuroGenomics cooperative having applied to the EuroGenomics evaluation service for international AI Holstein bulls.