Rules: conditions to nominate a bull

To benefit from this genomic evaluation services, the following rules have to be respected by the requesters.
Definition of bulls that can be nominated:
- Holstein breed, older than 10 months
- Dedicated to Artificial Insemination (AI), with an AI code in at least one country (home country, EuroGenomics countries…) and semen to be made available (when commercially available)
- Bull owner = AI company
Requester must provide a 54k genotype (Illumina chip) for official GEBV, and respect the file format and schedule defined by the EuroGenomics partner.
Requester does authorize EuroGenomics to use genotypes for genomic evaluation, genetic tests, and research.
- It is not allowed to use GEBV for marketing purpose if the fee of 2000€ has not been paid.
- If it is discovered that semen is sold using a genomic evaluation on one of the 5 EuroGenomics scales, and the “marketing” fee of 2000€ has not been paid, therequestershould pay a penalty of 10,000€ and will be excluded from the EG system for 1 year.
If there is any conflict on the previous conditions, the requester and bull owner will be excluded from the EuroGenomics fee system for 1 year.