How to proceed

Pre-screening or Official publication: how to proceed?

> > How to proceed

How to proceed?

AI international bulls: two kinds of services to get genomic breeding values on 1 to 6 EuroGenomics scales


Pre-screening: 150€ / AI bull


The genotype of your bull will be incorporated in the next national genomic evaluation and you will receive once an unofficial GEBV on the domestic scale of the EuroGenomics partner receiving the request. This fee gives the bulls owner access to an early genomic information on one targeted scale.

Official publication: 2000€ / AI bull


The genotype of your bull will be send to the other EuroGenomics partners and will be incorporated in the official genomic evaluations of the 6 participating countries. The official GEBV will be published for at least Interbull traits, composite and Total Merit index on the Dutch/Flemish, French, Nordic, Spanish, German and Polish scales. These values will then be regularly updated. Your bull will be part of 6 national rankings to be visible all in one place, 3 times per year, on the EuroGenomics website. This fee gives the bull a high visibility in all EuroGenomics countries.

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