About VIT
Service & data from one source
IT Solutions for Animal Production (vit) is an internationally recognized, information provider for animal husbandry and breeding. For cattle, vit provides comprehensive information on cows and bulls to cattle farmers and breeders which is delivered through their organizations and accompanied by appropriate service. vit has integrated information processing for milk recording (DHI), herdbook keeping (HB) and artificial insemination (AI), and is running the genomic cattle database 'Rind-Genom-DB' with SNP-marker information of some 1,900,000 genotyped cattle (mainly Holsteins) as the basis for genomic evaluations, identification of specific genetic traits and parentage check and discovery.
EuroGenomics Associates in Germany
vit is contributing to the EuroGenomics reference population together with Bundesverband Rind und Schwein (BRS), thanks to the contribution of the Holstein breeding organisations in Germany which are members in vit and BRS :
- Osnabrücker Herdbuch eG (OHG)
- Qnetics GmbH (QNE)
- RinderAllianz GmbH (RA)
- Rinderunion Baden-Württemberg e.V. (RBW)
- Rinder-Union West eG (RUW)
- Rinderzucht Schleswig-Holstein e.G. (RSH)
- RBB Rinderproduktion Berlin Brandenburg
- Verein Ostfriesischer Stammviehzüchter e.G. (VOSt)
- Zuchtverband Schwarzbunt und Rotbunt Bayern e.V. (SRB)
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Key facts :
- Headquarters: Verden, Germany
- Registered live Holstein cows: 2 Million
- Data from 2.3 Million milk recorded Holstein cows
Learn more : https://www.vit.de/en/